About Us
Make Mark Consultancy provides services that draw on over 30 years' experience in the construction products industry. We work in collaboration with manufacturers, suppliers, trade associations, certification bodies and providers of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).
We can provide advice and support in areas such as testing, certification and manufacturing, together with consultancy and sub-contracting in business development, sales, market analysis, team building and management in order to help you to grow your business.
Our philosophy is to provide advice and assistance to our clients to help them meet the requirements of industry, national or international regulations and certification schemes.

Our Services
With over 30 years' technical and business development experience in the construction industry, working both with and for construction product suppliers, offsite building system manufacturers and testing, certification and notified bodies we can help you with the following, and more:​
With extensive experience in testing of construction products and building systems we can help you understand and develop test programmes to meet industry and legislative requirements for both ITT (Initial Type Testing) and ongoing FPC (Factory Production Control).
With our experience in manufacturing and certification we can help you produce FPC (Factory Production Control) manuals to meet your own specific requirements, those of 3rd party recognised certification bodies or the CPR (Construction Products Regulation) EU 305/2011.
Certification and
Experience in national and international certification enables us to help you understand and develop your certification requirements for industry recognised 3rd party certification, ISO, CE marking, including UKCA, UKNI as well as UKAS accreditation.
Business Development and Sales
Business Development and Sales experience, including team building, training and team management, as well as key accounts and sales, marketing and business planning.
Market Research
and Analysis
Let us help you with your market research and analysis to help make more knowledgeable business decisions. We have extensive experience and contacts within the construction and certification sectors.
Consultancy Support
We are a friendly and flexible organisation. If we have not highlighted an area you require assistance with please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the options available.
Structural timber
Structural steel
Wood-based panels

Metal web beams

& mmc
Timber frame
Light gauge steel
Panelised systems
Modular systems
Roof trusses

testing & certification
CE marking
UKCA/UKNI marking
3rd Party Certification schemes
Warranty providers
ITT (Initial type testing)
FPC ongoing testing
ISO certification
Development testing
UKAS accreditation